Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Recommend the Most

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the awesome peeps over at The Broke and the Bookish , where they suggest lists of all sorts of things to share and we come together to broaden our bookish surroundings!


Of course, as many of you other bookish people, I have many more than just 10 to recommend, but I was able to contain myself. Though if you happen to be looking for a recommendation on a genre that isn’t on my list, feel free to ask away!  I am constantly in the mood for different types of books (this explains my need to read 2-3 books at the same time) so I’ll be listing a few different genres here in no particular order, for others like myself that like to look for a slightly specific book recommendation.

IF I Stay by Gayle Forman & The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Tear Jerkers: So for anyone who takes me up on these two, you should also buy it along with a box of tissues. I would recommend these to anyone in the mood for heavy hitters.  They deal with love and loss on different levels, that my heart both hurts and smiles just thinking about them.(You can also check out my review for If I Stay)

Divergent by Veronica Roth

For someone looking for a real good dystopian, I would definitely point them in this direction, so much action with real solid characters. But most of you probably know this already…

Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick

This one made me feel, angry, sad, and happy sometimes all at the same time while laughing!  Yes, it is possible to feel them all at the same time, if you doubt me, pick this one up and see for yourself =).

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

One of the most beautiful worlds I have ever been transported into is located right on the pages of this book.  This place is so beautifully vivid that I still find myself wishing that I could live in The Night Circus.

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

A light, sweet book that I would recommend to anyone that wants a contemporary romance YA quick-read.  I could be biased, because I practically grew up in San Francisco, and my boyfriend currently goes to Berkeley, and my favorite holiday is Halloween, but still, it’s an awesome book! 😉

Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk

If you saw my last TTT, you saw that Mr. Palahniuk’s books were also on that list, because I love his eccentric stories.  This was actually the first book of his that made me fall in love with his way of story telling.  As with most of his stuff, it is at times unnerving, funny, and makes you think odd things about yourself.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas & Graceling by Kristin Cashore

Who doesn’t love a book where the MC is a girl that can kick-ass and hold her own in a world dominated by men!?(<- if you don’t, come talk to me, we’ll fix that ;)) These next two are great, action-packed, adventure/fantasy novels that I would recommend to both gals and guys alike.

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

I wanted to recommend the entire Inheritance Cycle, but I’m only ¾ done with it… I will to get on that!  But seriously great high fantasy stuff right here, with unexpected twists and turns!  This is the only one on this list with not much romance, but with all of the other aspects of the story, it’s really not necessary!

Hopefully I was able to help you find something that you may like! Let me know what’s on your TTT list if you have one! If you don’t have your own list,  are there any I suggested that you may add to your TBR pile?!