Top Ten Tuesday: Books I HAD To Buy…But Are Still Sitting On My Shelf Unread

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the awesome peeps over at The Broke and the Bookish , where they suggest lists of all sorts of things to share and we come together to broaden our bookish surroundings(BTW, you can vote for them for best meme, just follow the link on their page)!


Here they are at a glance(but continue on for a little more detail=))


So I have wayyyyy more than 10, but I will restrain myself!  There may be a bit of a trend with books here, cause I got a lot of them as gifts(but I still HAD to HAVE them), both because my friends are THE BEST, and because we use this thing called Elfster for our Kris Kringle exchanges, that shows what you want, and many of these titles are it! I’m gonna start from the bottom of the stack, cause I’m feeling a little backwards today=)

The Diviners by Libba Bray

This is 1/2 books on this list from my amazing friend Aiza, that I received for Christmas.  I’ve heard so many great things about Libba Bray and have been wanting to get to this, but it’s such a big brick of a book that it’s hard to carry around with me, and I take BART practically everyday and my purse and lunch bag are big enough as is.  But I will find a way!

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

This gem was part of a bundle my boyfriend gave me for Christmas as well (How he remembers almost everything I say IN PASSING, I will never know) But I love creepy stories, and every time I saw the cover of this it would give me the chills, and after I read the synopsis, I wanted it even more!

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

I got super lucky when I found this and bought it at my local library(even though I do this all the time, it’s still a strange concept to me, lol).  There are so many good reviews for Gillian Flynn in general, and I like to have a good dark story every now and then, so I HAD to pick this one up.

The Promise of Stardust by Priscille Sibley

OK, so on top of seeing a LOT of adds for this everywhere, I found a signed copy of it at Target(of all places…) and yet again, I HAD to get it.  I have to be in a particular mood to read tragic stories such as this one, so it might be a while before I read the darn thing…

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo & The Girl who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson

*note:I’m lumping these two together since they are part of a series, so technically I am within the TTT realm =)*The first installment of this series I got from my friend Steve for Christmas two years ago!  That’s right, my poor, poor, beautiful book has been sitting on the shelf for much too long! The second installment my boyfriend gave to me along with the DVD, cause I really liked the movie.  That’s why they’re not matching… But a few of my friends raved about the series, and like I said, they usually know what I like, so even if I didn’t get them as gifts, I would have gone out and grabbed em’!

The Secret Life of Germs by Philip M. Tierno Jr.

Until now, I don’t think that I have ever told anyone that my favorite subject in college was Microbiology.  Yes, I am a bit of a nerd.  When Borders was closing down, I hit the shelves, and saw this and clutched it tightly at a distance(if that is possible), because I am a germ-o-phobe!

The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories-volume 2 by HitRecord

Book 2/2 given to me by the awesome Aiza! I know there is no excuse to not have read this already, cause it’s such a quick read… Yet, there it is sitting on my shelf.  I LOVED volume 1(also from Aiza, do you see a trend here…) It’s amazing how something so small can hold a gigantic amount of beauty, so that makes this yet another HAD to HAVE!

Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk

Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk

Rant by Chuck Palahniuk

Do you see that bundle all wrapped up pretty with my name on it?! You should have seen it on Christmas Day 2 years ago, my friend Jessica is one of the most creative when it comes to the wrapping of gifts, and this was definitely no exception! But let’s get back to the books… I know when it comes to Mr. Palahniuk most people either hate him or love him, and I am part of the latter.  One of my goals is to real all of his books, and I think I’m a little over half way through with them, so I must get going on these!

Ohh myyyy, if you think this is a whopper of a list, you should see the rest of my shelf =(… But what’s on your list, let me know or link it to me! And if you have any suggestions on which of these should be bumped up on my TBR pile just holler it out =)!

7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. angelicreader
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 10:41:47

    I’m not really all that familiar with the ones on you list so sadly no unneeded recommendations. I do have my own (ever growing) list if you wanna check it out.
    Thus is the life of a bookaholic.


    • sooozin
      Mar 19, 2013 @ 15:12:04

      No worries, I was actually surprised at my own list when I saw that there were only 2 YA titles on there! But I’ll definitely check your list out 🙂


  2. flightypig
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 15:10:13

    I have Miss Peregrine’s on my to read very soon shelf. Your right the cover is pretty creepy! I can never decide if I enjoy creepy stories or what aha.


  3. bookburgh
    Mar 19, 2013 @ 16:23:48

    I feel the same way about good ol’ Chucky P. I love his writing and I have read a lot of his books. Pygmy, Snuff, and Rant are three that I have not read. And to be honest, I’m a little afraid to read them. I loved all of his earlier stuff, but I just read Damned and I didn’t like it as much. I really really want to like those other three, but I’m afraid of being let down.


    • sooozin
      Mar 19, 2013 @ 19:18:01

      I know the feeling! His last book I read was Tell All, and it was a DNFer for me, and ever since then it’s been hard for me to pick up anything else from him. I’m sad to hear about Damned… I still love Diary, Lullaby, and Invisible Monsters(which just might appear on next week’s TTT ;))! But, as for the three up there I’m just a little hesitant to read ’em right away…


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